
Ngong, Revisited

Ngong, Revisited.

Ngong Hills is an area well known to all travelers passing through Nairobi. Now, I had never heard of Ngong Hills before reaching Kenya, notably because I neither knew anything of Kenya nor had I seen the infamous Out of Africa that everyone promptly chastised me for not doing before landing.

But after about a month in Kenya, a soon to be great friend offered to bring me on a nice little trek out of the city for the day. This was back in September 2009, which seems like ages ago now.

That first trip to Ngong Hills showed me how beautiful this country could be, housing on one side the epicenter of urban East Africa, and on the other a vast and magnificent plain. It was also the mark of the beginning of my tumultuous journey through the beginning of life after college.

Now, I seem to remember taking my camera with me on that first trip to Ngong Hills (don't I always?), but for some mystical reason any proof thereof seems to have vanished in time and space. So, these pictures are of the last trip I made, just a few days before leaving Kenya. Pictures I seemed unable to finish and post until now, three months later.

So here's to the crazy fun we had, 

Jumping around like a bunch of four year olds (Photo by Kahmunya),

Hanging out together and drawing

or just sitting pensively on a tree.

And to all those who accompanied me on that journey, from my very first trip to Ngong to my very last.