
The Overseers Education Centre in Kangemi, Nairobi

Thanks to the generous contributions of many of our friends and families, the Overseers Education Centre has been able to complete construction of the new classroom building (above right and below)!

This has resulted in yet another expansion in the number of students, demonstrating the immense need for the provision of free education in Kangemi and other areas in and around Nairobi. Below are pictures of younger students in the old classroom building:


The older building consists of three classrooms: the first above, and below right,

the second above left, and third below (left and right).

And here are the older students, in the new building which has been constructed thanks to your contributions! 

 Above left: students recite a song about the flow of blood. 
Below: Dan and Wilson, a new teacher, welcome me into one of the two new classrooms.

 Below left: students recite a song about the flow of blood. 
 Below right: students recite a song about the respiratory system.

During the Fundraiser in November 2010, there were 110 registered students at the school. Today there are 155, with many more expected to come in the next few weeks.  

 During visits to the school, the students welcome guests with a parade and songs. 

These are some pictures from the generous welcome given to me during my latest visit to the school.


While we have raised enough money to build the new classrooms, the toilets for the school are still incomplete, and Dan and Benjamin need another KSH 10,000 (roughly €100 or $125) to complete the construction. On the left, you see the old toilets covered with corrugated iron and cardboard, and on the right you see the location of the same toilets, needing solid construction, near the new school building:

For those of you who aren't yet familiar with the Overseers Education Centre, Dan and Benjamin started the school for children in Kangemi who cannot afford to pay school fees. Most children are orphans or live in the street, some finding shelter in the clasrooms at night. Below, Dan during a  recent visit to the Overseers Education Centre (left) and Benjamin during the November Fundraiser (right).


And of course, Dan and Benjamin dancing during the November Fundraiser, below!


Since the children do not pay school fees, Dan and Benjamin support the school and rely on donations and community support to keep the school running. Below are some photos from the Fundraiser we held in November 2010 for the construction of the new school building.  



Above, students perform traditional dances during the November Fundraiser. 


 Below, Maono, a troupe of young acrobats from Dandora who volunteered their time to support the Overseers Education Centre by performing during the Fundraiser in November.



Above and below, the kids (and adults) having a ton of fun watching and participating in the festivities!


A number of local musicians and artists volunteered their time in support of the Overseers Education Centre and made the event a success.

These included Grandmaster Masese and Kenneth B (pictured below right), Brenda Kemunto and Ka (MC of the event), among others.  


If you would like to donate to the Overseers Education Centre so they can complete construction of the toilets, you can send MPESA to 0717911657 (Dan), contact Dan at the same number or contact me at mdelutz@gmail.com. If you would like to donate school supplies, please contact Dan at the number listed above.

And, last but in no way least, a BIG thanks to all those who contributed their time, energy and money to the Overseers Education Centre Fundraiser in November 2010, the new classrooms would not have been built without your dedication and support!

 To see more pictures of the Fundraiser and new classrooms, please visit:



  1. hey love everything and bringing hope to children is the greatest gift to offer them.

    1. Anonymous4.2.12

      Thank you for your support and comment. Sorry about the delayed response, we were only just shown this comment today. Do not usually have access to the internet. Thankyou again! - Dan
